After-School & Camps

Water-Wise Adventures for
Ages 4-11
Our play-based, hands-on lessons inspire creative thinking and help young learners make real-life connections in science and social studies.
- Lesson Time: 45 Minutes
- Min. Class Size: 12
- Max. Class Size: 25
Ages 4-7
*Suitable for mixed age groups.

Water Works
Become an engineer and use real pipes to build a supply model to move clean water where it’s needed. (Indoors – Gym or Large Room)*

Ride a Raindrop
Play games as raindrops and conduct experiments to see how water moves on the earth. (Outdoors)*

Growing Time
Illustrate your own plant story, plant Texas wildflower seeds, and search for plants outdoors to create a unique display. (Indoors or Outdoors)*

Monarch Quest
Fly through a garden with Monarch wings while searching for sweet nectar and host plants for your eggs. (Outdoors)*

A Long Haul
Listen to a story about clean water and experience what it’s like to collect and carry the water we need. (Outdoors)*
Ages 8-11
*Suitable for mixed age groups.

Engineering H2O
Create a Lego-based working model of our water supply system and tackle real-life water challenges. (Indoors)*

Keeping It Cool
Feel water’s cooling power, conduct an evaporation experiment, and create conservation art to share what you learned. (Outdoors)*

Water Ninjas
Take a journey as a water drop and design your own water-themed obstacle course. (Indoors – Gym)*

Water Rangers
Make it rain on a model earth, look for water clues outside, and and create a cityscape with water challenges. (Outdoors)

Connect the Drops
Explore green spaces outdoors and create your own unique, water-themed nature journal. (Outdoors)*

Water-Wise Workshops for
Ages 12-18
Our hands-on, DIY programs for teens focus on learning real-world skills to empower students and inspire them to become water
stewards at home and school.
- Lesson Time: 45-60 Minutes
- Min. Class Size: 12
- Max. Class Size: 25
Ages 12-18

Aquatic Exploration
Explore a nearby waterway and learn about local aquatic animals. Collect water samples, identify aquatic macroinvertebrates, and use this data to assess the health of the waterway. (Outdoors)

Life-Giving Gardens
Learn to recognize important Texas plants and pollinators, provide habitat for birds and butterflies, and plant native wildflower seeds to take home. (Indoors or Outdoors)

Rain Catchers
Discover the importance of collecting and using rainwater for home and school gardens. Calculate how much water can be collected off a nearby roof and help assemble a rain barrel. (Indoors or Outdoors)

Ready, Set, Garden!
Feeling inspired to grow something? Learn the essentials of gardening and apply your new knowledge by designing a water-wise garden for your home or school. (Indoors or Outdoors)

Water Quality Investigation
Explore how pollution enters our waterways, identify local challenges, and conduct tests to evaluate water quality. (Outdoors)

Water Waste Detectives
Conduct an investigation at your school or community center to identify water waste and report your findings to help save water and money. (Indoors and Outdoors)
Request Form for After-School, Homeschool, and Club Programs
The Youth Conservation Team would be pleased to provide a lesson for students in your after-school, homeschool or club
program. Requests are filled on a first come, first served basis. Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch within 5
business days. Thank you!